Friday, February 25, 2011

29 Weeks!

This has been a long week!  It has flown by, but a week with a lot packed in to a few days!  We started out our week in Nashville. We stayed with Gray's old roommates parents, The Thomas'.  They are wonderful!  We arrived to an awesome meal and just had a great time laughing with them and sharing our lives with them since it has been so long since we have seen them.  They have been married 30+ years and they are just the sweetest husband and wife, I'm thankful the Lord has placed them in our lives to witness and learn from!

Work (for me) has been hectic and will probably continue to until Nolan comes.  I really do love my job so it doesn't bother me, just makes for some longer days.  I am really thankful to work with great people (Gray included) so at least we have fun and laugh a lot while we're there! 

Today, we went to see Dr. Newman.  I had my glucose test (which was rescheduled from an earlier time) and we had an ultrasound and saw Dr. Newman.  I am really hoping I pass my glucose test this time, drinking that little drink was bad I don't want to do that again!  During the ultrasound, the tech asked us if we wanted a disc of the ultrasound.  I've seen that you can buy the disc for $5 and I've never inquired about it or been offered.  Well, when the girl brought it up I just said, "No, that's ok....we'll get pictures."  Gray was like, "Wait a second, we want one!"  I looked at him with the "we really don't need one" look and he looked back to the girl and said, "well, if she doesn't want it I'll buy it!"  Don't we share a checking account here?!  I did think the disc was just the still shots we normally get but she said it's the footage of her actually doing the ultrasound.  Well, she got started and this was probably our worst ultrasound yet!  Nolan did not move at all, he was so balled up you couldn't really get a good shot of him.  We just had to laugh, I'm glad Gray told her to do the disc because if we'd of said no and the ultrasound was good I would've been mad at myself.  At the same time, it's safe to say Nolan made a sport out of Gray!  This may come back to get Nolan later, but for today we were just so excited to see our little guy that we just laughed and our luck in the situation!

Nolan weighed 2 pounds, 13 ounces today!  His legs were up by his face.  We asked the tech about his legs (are they still measuring short?) and she said technically they are measuring average but it was hard for her to say from today since he was so bunched up and never moved!  I got to ask Dr. Newman some questions about delivery which was exciting!  I've been reading some online (which as I've already concluded is NEVER a good idea....) and I was wondering if I needed to have a birth plan.  She said that she thinks in this region that's just not something a lot of people do, you can plan all you want but you just never know how your birth will go.  I'm sure at some point there will be some big things we will have to say "yes or no" to, but for the most part I'm just going to follow her lead.  I trust her and know she has my best interest in mind so I'm not going to sweat the details too much.  Which works wonderfully with my personality since I'm a more "go with the flow" kind of person anyway when it comes to making decisions.  :)  For once, I think my procrastination and inability to make decisions is going to pay off!!

Here's my picture from this week, this is me pretty exhausted but heading to Nashville in something that looked as comfortable as possible!

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