Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Ornaments

Before Christmas, Gray and I went to River City Pottery in Chatt. to paint a Christmas ornament.  I told Gray I wanted to buy one and he suggested we go and paint one!  We have done this before and I really want to make this more of a tradition for our family!  We went with our friends Dan and Leah and they had Logan and Tatum with them.  Logan was so cute to pick out the right purple for her ornament!

Earlier in this week, Gray and I had really been thinking about what we wanted to name Jr-Jr (although some will still call him that and I like it!)  :) Gray had brought up the name Nolan a while ago and I didn't not like it, just wasn't sure I wanted Nolan to be my son's name.  Well, the more time that went by and the more Gray would subtly bring it up Nolan began to grow on me!  So, I told Gray I think Jr-Jr might really be a Nolan after all.  Gray was really excited and I'm glad because he can officially say he came up with this name!

I am not the most decisive person you have ever met so when Gray and I were talking about painting an ornament I asked him what he thought about me putting Nolan's name on it.  He loved that idea and I was worried that I might change my mind.  I decided to go for it and Gray painted an "N" on his "moose."  Side story....Gray really painted a reindeer but he claims it's a manly that guy!

We had a great time and it was fun for the first time to officially name our sweet boy, Nolan!  (yes, official to me is painting a name on an ornament!!)

Friday, November 19, 2010

I'm for real, I WILL blog....

So, I've taken a brief hiatus....but I'm back!  Gray and I have been extremely busy between work and home stuff!  We are both exhausted and ready for the much needed week of Thanksgiving break we have coming up this week!  I'm not excited about the drive, but looking forward to being with Gray's family...we love seeing the kids, they are so fun!  I've always known Gray will be a great dad but seeing him around his neices and nephews (and cousins) is just so special because he loves his time with them and you can tell they love their time with him.  It's awesome! 

I have been feeling much better lately and can tell a change in my body!  I feel like I just look fat but sooner than later, I will look pregnant.  I am getting excited for that because I feel like that will "seal the deal" on this pregnancy thing!  (I'll probably be singing a different tune come April, but who cares right now?!)  I am 15 1/2 weeks now....totally crazy....still can't believe I've made it this far...God is great!

When G and I went for the ultrasound yesterday we were both kind of nervous thinking we may be able to find out what we're having but neither of us really wanted to discuss it.  Gray called it "the elephant in the room," he loves saying that.  I didn't totally agree with that statement but neither of us wanted to come out and say while we were waiting that we may find out if we are having a boy/girl today!  We went back for the ultrasound, the tech was a girl I have become fond of (after a rough start with her being with me during my last 2 miscarriages).  She looked all around, showed us the baby.  The baby has grown so much!  The screen makes the baby look so big but she told us it's only 4 ounces.  Finally, I had to ask her if she knew the sex of our baby.  She said that it wasn't in great position but she would see if she could get it to move around.  After several prokes and prods to my belly, she said, "that looks like boy parts!"  Gray immediately smiled ear to ear....I couldn't stop laughing!  I was convinced we were having a girl (based on the high heart beat, which she said is an old wives tale anyway).  I was not disappointed at all, but not prepared to hear boy since I was convinced we were having a girl!  She also commented on his long legs already!  :) 

After finding out about our little boy, we went to Target to pick out an outfit and get a baby name book.  G said that all the outfits for boys there had "buses and stop-signs" he needs some baseballs!  So, we went to Babies R Us and each picked out cute outfits and bought a name book!  Now, the great name debate will begin, but we are so thankful and greatful to God for answering our prayers to give us a baby!  We will continue to pray that he is healthy upon delivery, can't believe we are having a boy!! 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Getting Started

I am 13 1/2 weeks pregnant and we are confident we are meeting this baby in May!  I wanted documentation for myself of my pregnancy and this wild year we have coming up!  I am not always the best of writers so stick with me!  (I'm really funny in person though!)  :)

Gray and I have prayed for this baby and we are ecstatic about this pregnancy!  After having 2 miscarriages I really doubted my ability to get pregnant and meet the sweet little baby in 9 months!  Thankfully, God knew what he was doing and he gave me time to spend with Him to heal my heart before this pregnancy began.  I tried my best to not get bitter towards people who were pregnant but it was hard to see people walk through the stages of pregnancy knowing mine should've been the same.  I had excellent reasons why I should've gotten pregnant every month that I didn't; some months were more disappointing than others.  Gray and I even spent a weekend at the Billy Graham Center this summer for an FCA Couples joke is, "if you can't conceive at the Billy Graham Center....where are you going to conceive?!"  Isn't that holy ground or something?  We got on our knees in the prayer chapel and prayed that God would give us the family we had hoped and prayed for.  We both felt peaceful when we left but it was still hard when I knew that wasn't the month for our baby.  I know I won't forget the journey we have been on and the heartache we have experienced; but I am so hoping that I can breathe easier throughout this pregnancy and enjoy this baby!

We took a picture the day we found out we were pregnant again, but other than that no belly pictures to speak of!  I was so nervous to let myself get excited, I need to start documenting this baby and living each day as a mom!  (great advice from a friend!)

Here's to Jr-Jr and meeting him or her in May!!  (I know this pic is rough, but when you're take 1 picture and move on!)