Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 4, 2011, part II

Nolan Edward Ange was born at 11:08 am weighing 7 pounds and 6 ounces, perfect in every way!!  They immediately take him over and check him thoroughly and when I was done being stitched up the nurses told me that his blood sugar was low and they were going to have to take him to the nursery and supplement with formula to make sure his blood sugar would come back up.  They asked me if I had a preference of formula....I haven't even looked into formula and have NO CLUE what I would choose?!  In my hesitancy, Dr. Newman just leaned over and said, "Enfamil."  That was it, give him Enfamil.  Next, how do I want him fed:  bottle, syrenge, finger?  Ok, I just had a kid and within minutes I have to answer questions I've thought nothing about.  I told them I'd prefer no bottle because I was hoping to breastfeed and they said ok.
I went into recovery and had 2 nurses and Gray still with me.  The recovery room wasn't bad, it was quiet so Gray had time to show me some of the pictures that he had taken during the delivery and after.  I couldn't believe I was looking at OUR son!  I commented to the nurses at one point about how weird it was that I knew I just had a baby but I really hadn't gotten to see him that good or hold him and that I was now a mom.  It wasn't necessarily depressing as it was surreal to sit there and think I just had a baby and someone else has him.  I just wanted to hold him!  I wasn't even really worried that there was something horribly wrong...maybe it was the medicines or that I just didn't have time to worry....I just went with what they told me and trusted things would be fine.  They said this is common and happens to about 50% of babies.  After we were in recovery for a little while the pediatric nurse came in and told me that Nolan was doing well and that she had finger fed him some formula and he seemed hungry and they expected his numbers to go up.
After about 1 1/2 hours in recovery they brought me to my room.  Once I got in my room and somewhat settled I asked for them to please check on Nolan and find out when I could see him.  The nurse was walking out of the room saying she would check and they were wheeling baby Nolan in to us!!  I was SO EXCITED!!  The nurses were great and said they knew I wanted to hold him so they would bring him to me and I needed to try and feed him.  I was a little apprehensive because I really knew nothing about breastfeeding.  I didn't read any books or do any research, I just assumed they would help me in the hospital.  Little did I know, in God's perfect form, Nolan was born knowing all about breastfeeding!  He immediately knew what to do and latched on like he had been doing it for years!  It was so amazing to know that God gave him that and made him to want that!  I loved it...Gray and I are still amazed by this!!
Here are some pics of me holding Nolan and Nolan's 1st bath.  He wasn't a huge fan of his bath until it came time to wash his hair....he LOVED having his hair was hilarious!!

The rest of the day flew by!! We had lots of visitors!  I hate that I didn't get pictures with everyone who came to visit us in the hospital, it was hectic at times and we missed out on some kodak moments!! 

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